Complexe de Santa Luzia (Cape Verde)


Occurrence records 61
Species level 49
Species 35
Taxa 41
Datasets 16
Time range 1849 - 2019

Data quality

Dropped records

Dropped records 0
Not marine 0
No WoRMS match 3
No coordinates 0
Zero coordinates 0

Taxonomic issues

Marine unsure 0
No accepted name available 1

Missing and invalid fields

Field Missing Invalid
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters 44 0
eventDate 20 0
maximumDepthInMeters 45 0
minimumDepthInMeters 40 0
occurrenceStatus 11 0
scientificNameID 4 0

Spatial issues

Records on land 6
More than 20 km from shore 0
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth 4


Disclaimer: EEZ boundaries based on Marine Regions (no endorsement).



detailed (class) simple

Top taxa

Unique species IUCN Red List All taxa
Scientific name Records
Exocoetidae Risso, 1827
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
Pterodroma madeira Mathews, 1934 EN
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781)
Phylum Chordata > Class Mammalia
Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt, 1851)
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758
Phylum Cnidaria > Class Hexacorallia
Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) VU
Phylum Chordata
Alcyonium megasclerum Stokvis & van Ofwegen, 2006
Phylum Cnidaria > Class Octocorallia
Thoracactis topsenti Gravier, 1918
Phylum Cnidaria > Class Hexacorallia
Clathria (Thalysias) vacata Van Soest, Beglinger & De Voogd, 2013
Phylum Porifera > Class Demospongiae
Mycale (Arenochalina) africamucosa Van Soest, Beglinger & De Voogd, 2014
Phylum Porifera > Class Demospongiae

Newest species

Scientific name Records Since
Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781)
Phylum Chordata > Class Mammalia
3 2014
Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) VU
Phylum Chordata
2 2004
Phaethon aethereus Linnaeus, 1758
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
1 1986
Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt, 1851)
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
3 1986
Pterodroma madeira Mathews, 1934 EN
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
4 1986
Achelia tenuipes Stock, 1990
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Pycnogonida
1 1986
Clathria (Thalysias) vacata Van Soest, Beglinger & De Voogd, 2013
Phylum Porifera > Class Demospongiae
1 1986
Spiraserpula ypsilon Pillai & Ten Hove, 1994
Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta
1 1982
Mycale (Arenochalina) africamucosa Van Soest, Beglinger & De Voogd, 2014
Phylum Porifera > Class Demospongiae
2 1982
Sertularella fusiformis (Hincks, 1861)
Phylum Cnidaria > Class Hydrozoa
1 1901

Data providers

Name Records
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee 41
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 16
Bureau Waardenburg bv – Ecology & Landscape 16
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel; Research and Technology Centre 16
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Omgeving; Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek 16
WoRMS Steering Committee 16
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 10
Universidad Simon Bolivar 8
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 8
University of Kansas; Division of Invertebrate Zoology; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, KU Natural History Museum 8