Occurrence records | 23,381 | |
Species level | 18,421 |
Species | 3,782 | |
Taxa | 4,977 | |
Datasets | 134 | |
Time range | 1823 - 2023 |
Dropped records | 0 |
Not marine | 1,034 |
No WoRMS match | 1,119 |
No coordinates | 0 |
Zero coordinates | 0 |
Marine unsure | 22 |
No accepted name available | 163 |
Field | Missing | Invalid | |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | 14,958 | 349 |
eventDate | 5,756 | 0 |
maximumDepthInMeters | 17,956 | 2 |
minimumDepthInMeters | 14,064 | 2 |
occurrenceStatus | 9,712 | 0 |
scientificName | 240 | 0 |
scientificNameID | 4,713 | 13 |
Records on land | 7,178 |
More than 20 km from shore | 187 |
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth | 672 |
Dataset | Records |
FishNet2 Marine Data
Published 2023-12-19 |
3,544 |
PANGAEA - Data from various sources
Published 2025-03-20 |
2,526 |
Asia-Pacific Dataset
Published 2024-06-14 |
1,685 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Published 2025-03-18 |
1,241 |
Fish Collection from the South China Sea Repository and Reference Centre (RRC), Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Published 2024-04-16 |
956 |
PANGAEA - Data from Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
Published 2025-03-20 |
907 |
Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
Published 2025-03-20 |
895 |
Australian Museum Malacology Collection - Marine records
Published 2022-06-08 |
860 |
CAS Ichthyology (ICH)
Published 2025-03-17 |
629 |
National Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology Collections
Published |
607 |
Scientific name | Records |
Heterophyidae Leiper, 1909
Phylum Platyhelminthes > Class Trematoda |
243 |
Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758)
EN Phylum Chordata |
240 |
Numenius madagascariensis (Linnaeus, 1766)
EN Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
130 |
Gobiidae Cuvier, 1816
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
111 |
Fissurina Reuss, 1850
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Nodosariata |
78 |
Bulimina aculeata d'Orbigny, 1826
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Globothalamea |
78 |
Cassidulina laevigata d'Orbigny, 1826
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Globothalamea |
78 |
Uvigerina peregrina Cushman, 1923
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Globothalamea |
78 |
Lobatula wuellerstorfi (Schwager, 1866)
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Globothalamea |
78 |
Pyrgoella sphaera (d'Orbigny, 1839)
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Tubothalamea |
76 |
Scientific name | Records | Since |
Hippichthys heptagonus Bleeker, 1849
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
2 | 2023 |
Leiognathus longispinis (Valenciennes, 1835)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
2 | 2023 |
Glossogobius bicirrhosus (Weber, 1894)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
2 | 2023 |
Brachygobius sabanus Inger, 1958
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2023 |
Mystus wolffii (Bleeker, 1851)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
2 | 2023 |
Deveximentum megalolepis (Mochizuki & Hayashi, 1989)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
3 | 2023 |
Platycephalus cultellatus Richardson, 1846
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
4 | 2022 |
Mugilogobius tigrinus Larson, 2001
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
4 | 2022 |
Ambassis macracanthus Bleeker, 1849
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
3 | 2022 |
Phenacostethus smithi Myers, 1928
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
7 | 2022 |
Name | Records |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | 4,569 |
Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute | 3,544 |
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure | 3,288 |
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre, Hobart | 2,869 |
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO | 1,885 |
South China Sea Repository and Reference Centre, Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu | 1,753 |
Frontier Research Center for Global Change/JAMSTEC | 1,685 |
InvertEBase | 1,242 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia | 1,241 |
Australian Museum | 1,160 |