

Occurrence records 236,656
Species level 192,697
Species 1,659
Taxa 2,137
Datasets 169
Time range 1860 - 2019

Data quality

Dropped records

Dropped records 0
Not marine 1,394
No WoRMS match 5,135
No coordinates 0
Zero coordinates 0

Taxonomic issues

Marine unsure 5,239
No accepted name available 19,853

Missing and invalid fields

Field Missing Invalid
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters 197,259 0
eventDate 1,993 0
maximumDepthInMeters 62,844 0
minimumDepthInMeters 5,023 0
occurrenceStatus 973 0
scientificName 5 0
scientificNameID 160 5,009

Spatial issues

Records on land 6,845
More than 20 km from shore 2
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth 1,567


Disclaimer: EEZ boundaries based on Marine Regions (no endorsement).



detailed (class) simple

Top taxa

Unique species IUCN Red List All taxa
Scientific name Records
Pseudocalanus elongatus (Brady, 1865)
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Copepoda
Acartia clausii Giesbrecht, 1892
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Copepoda
Paracalanus parvus (Claus, 1863)
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Copepoda
Calanus euxinus Hulsemann, 1991
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Copepoda
Oithona similis Claus, 1866
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Copepoda
Oithona nana Giesbrecht, 1893
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Copepoda
Protozoa Owen, 1858
Gephyrocapsa huxleyi (Lohmann) P.Reinhardt, 1972
Phylum Haptophyta > Class Coccolithophyceae
Parasagitta setosa (J. Müller, 1847)
Phylum Chaetognatha > Class Sagittoidea
Prorocentrum cordatum (Ostenfeld) J.D.Dodge, 1976
Phylum Myzozoa > Class Dinophyceae

Newest species

Scientific name Records Since
Microdeutopus algicola Della Valle, 1893
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Malacostraca
5 2019
Gyrodinium contortum (Schütt) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921
Phylum Myzozoa > Class Dinophyceae
2 2019
Hemidinium nasutum F.Stein, 1878
Phylum Myzozoa > Class Dinophyceae
6 2019
Prorocentrum rotundatum Schiller, 1928
Phylum Myzozoa > Class Dinophyceae
1 2019
Larus canus Linnaeus, 1758
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
104 2019
Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
1 2019
Puffinus yelkouan (Acerbi, 1827) VU
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
3 2019
Donacilla cornea (Poli, 1791)
Phylum Mollusca > Class Bivalvia
2 2019
Lagis neapolitana (Claparède, 1869)
Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta
2 2019
Protoperidinium knipowitschii (Usachev, 1927) Balech, 1974
Phylum Myzozoa > Class Dinophyceae
2 2019

Data providers

Name Records
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee 184,569
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas 117,090
Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University 56,746
Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea 31,387
Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea 15,477
Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography; World Ocean Fisheries Resources Department 6,532
Institute of Marine Biology (IMB), Academy of Science of Ukraine 4,517
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture 4,293
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , Institute of Marine Biology 4,215
National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" 3,708