Occurrence records | 66,955 | |
Species level | 56,937 |
Species | 3,203 | |
Taxa | 3,848 | |
Datasets | 127 | |
Time range | 1841 - 2024 |
Dropped records | 0 |
Not marine | 177 |
No WoRMS match | 1,187 |
No coordinates | 0 |
Zero coordinates | 0 |
Marine unsure | 360 |
No accepted name available | 2,416 |
Field | Missing | Invalid | |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | 62,240 | 1,602 |
eventDate | 15,604 | 0 |
maximumDepthInMeters | 29,308 | 4 |
minimumDepthInMeters | 21,505 | 0 |
occurrenceStatus | 701 | 0 |
scientificName | 74 | 0 |
scientificNameID | 723 | 559 |
Records on land | 606 |
More than 20 km from shore | 0 |
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth | 2,184 |
Dataset | Records |
Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Published 2025-03-20 |
13,865 |
IBSS historical data from different cruises
Published 2025-03-20 |
5,109 |
Aegean macrobenthic fauna
Published 2025-03-20 |
4,765 |
Phytoplankton of coastal waters in Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, 2002-2003.
Published 2020-04-27 |
4,521 |
Published 2025-03-20 |
4,144 |
Phytoplankton Ecology of the Saronicos Gulf, Aegean Sea. Ignatiades, L., N. Moschopoulou, M. Karydis and A. Vassiliou, 1983.
Published 2020-04-02 |
3,650 |
Macro- and megafauna from the North Aegean Sea from 1997-1998
Published 2024-02-26 |
2,872 |
Macro- and megafauna from the North Aegean Sea from 1997-1998
Published 2024-09-09 |
2,248 |
Marine impactful cryptogenic and alien species in the Greek Seas: A georeferenced dataset (1893-2020)
Published 2024-06-10 |
2,170 |
Benthos Cretan Continental Shelf
Published 2025-03-20 |
2,162 |
Scientific name | Records |
Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758)
VU Phylum Chordata |
1,621 |
Phylum Myzozoa |
926 |
Siganus luridus (Rüppell, 1829)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
397 |
Globigerinoides ruber (d'Orbigny, 1839)
Phylum Foraminifera > Class Globothalamea |
389 |
Nitzschia closterium (Ehrenberg) W.Smith, 1853
Phylum Heterokontophyta > Class Bacillariophyceae |
288 |
Notomastus latericeus Sars, 1851
Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta |
264 |
Eunice vittata (Delle Chiaje, 1828)
Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta |
253 |
Prionospio malmgreni Claparède, 1868
Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta |
244 |
Proboscia alata (Brightwell) Sundström, 1986
Phylum Heterokontophyta > Class Bacillariophyceae |
237 |
Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve, 1889
Phylum Heterokontophyta > Class Bacillariophyceae |
230 |
Scientific name | Records | Since |
Schizobrachiella sanguinea (Norman, 1868)
Phylum Bryozoa > Class Gymnolaemata |
1 | 2022 |
Pennaria disticha Goldfuss, 1820
Phylum Cnidaria > Class Hydrozoa |
3 | 2022 |
Synodus saurus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2022 |
Lichia amia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2022 |
Gobius bucchichi Steindachner, 1870
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2022 |
Sciaena umbra Linnaeus, 1758
NT Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2022 |
Epinephelus costae (Steindachner, 1878)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2022 |
Cerithium scabridum R. A. Philippi, 1848
Phylum Mollusca > Class Gastropoda |
2 | 2022 |
Amphiroa rigida J.V.Lamouroux, 1816
Phylum Rhodophyta > Class Florideophyceae |
3 | 2022 |
Spirorbis (Spirorbis) spirorbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta |
3 | 2022 |
Name | Records |
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture | 43,666 |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | 30,620 |
Demokritos, Institute of Biosciences and Applications | 8,171 |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 8,110 |
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas | 5,428 |
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - Institute of Oceanography | 4,521 |
National Observatory of Athens, Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development | 4,521 |
University of the Aegean, Lesvos | 4,054 |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Department of Biology - Laboratory of Zoology | 3,971 |
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Crete | 2,379 |