Occurrence records | 143,878 | |
Species level | 136,686 |
Species | 2,318 | |
Taxa | 3,109 | |
Datasets | 112 | |
Time range | 1849 - 2024 |
Dropped records | 0 |
Not marine | 1,577 |
No WoRMS match | 29,170 |
No coordinates | 0 |
Zero coordinates | 0 |
Marine unsure | 1,187 |
No accepted name available | 677 |
Field | Missing | Invalid | |
basisOfRecord | 89 | 0 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | 35,739 | 135,977 |
eventDate | 19,206 | 0 |
maximumDepthInMeters | 171,414 | 0 |
minimumDepthInMeters | 160,421 | 0 |
occurrenceStatus | 150,298 | 0 |
scientificName | 24,502 | 0 |
scientificNameID | 146,149 | 295 |
Records on land | 6,736 |
More than 20 km from shore | 487 |
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth | 243 |
Dataset | Records |
FishBase Database
Published 2023-03-23 |
111,239 |
PANGAEA - Data from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
Published 2025-03-20 |
8,343 |
Ecoscope tuna observer data
Published 2025-03-20 |
4,748 |
Ecoscope tuna bycatch observer data
Published 2025-03-20 |
4,414 |
FishNet2 Marine Data
Published 2023-12-19 |
2,903 |
Published 2022-10-14 |
1,975 |
MICROBIS Database (version 1) - European data
Published |
1,269 |
The CPR Survey
Published 2025-03-20 |
1,163 |
PANGAEA - Data from South Atlantic in the late Quaternary: reconstruction of budget and currents
Published 2025-03-20 |
785 |
CAS Ichthyology (ICH)
Published 2025-03-24 |
646 |
Scientific name | Records |
Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1,862 |
Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1,734 |
Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)
VU Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1,030 |
Canthidermis maculata (Bloch, 1786)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
734 |
Caranx crysos (Mitchill, 1815)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
717 |
Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829)
VU Phylum Chordata |
701 |
Elagatis bipinnulata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
599 |
Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
542 |
Auxis Cuvier, 1829
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
522 |
Balistes capriscus Gmelin, 1789
VU Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
481 |
Scientific name | Records | Since |
Panopeus africanus A. Milne-Edwards, 1867
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Malacostraca |
2 | 2023 |
Pachygrapsus transversus (Gibbes, 1850)
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Malacostraca |
1 | 2023 |
Puffinus gravis (O'Reilly, 1818)
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
13 | 2023 |
Arbacia punctulata (Lamarck, 1816)
Phylum Echinodermata > Class Echinoidea |
1 | 2023 |
Isocladus otion Barnard, 1955
Phylum Arthropoda > Class Malacostraca |
1 | 2023 |
Nerita senegalensis Gmelin, 1791
Phylum Mollusca > Class Gastropoda |
4 | 2023 |
Thais nodosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Mollusca > Class Gastropoda |
1 | 2023 |
Gemophos viverratus (Kiener, 1834)
Phylum Mollusca > Class Gastropoda |
1 | 2023 |
Arbacia nigra (Molina, 1782)
Phylum Echinodermata > Class Echinoidea |
1 | 2023 |
Aphrocallistes beatrix Gray, 1858
Phylum Porifera > Class Hexactinellida |
3 | 2015 |
Name | Records |
Swedish Museum of Natural History | 111,239 |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | 11,297 |
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement | 9,929 |
Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute | 2,903 |
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO | 2,808 |
Caleb University Lagos | 2,229 |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | 1,269 |
The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | 1,164 |
Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science | 1,163 |
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution | 924 |