Occurrence records | 3,670 | |
Species level | 2,211 |
Species | 678 | |
Taxa | 960 | |
Datasets | 38 | |
Time range | 1849 - 2013 |
Dropped records | 0 |
Not marine | 0 |
No WoRMS match | 17 |
No coordinates | 0 |
Zero coordinates | 0 |
Marine unsure | 0 |
No accepted name available | 49 |
Field | Missing | Invalid | |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | 2,543 | 961 |
eventDate | 1,225 | 0 |
maximumDepthInMeters | 3,046 | 0 |
minimumDepthInMeters | 3,068 | 0 |
occurrenceStatus | 649 | 0 |
scientificName | 1 | 0 |
scientificNameID | 421 | 7 |
Records on land | 4 |
More than 20 km from shore | 0 |
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth | 4 |
Dataset | Records |
Ecoscope Observation Database
Published 2025-03-20 |
923 |
Observatoire Pelagis aerial surveys 2002-2021
Published 2022-01-20 |
702 |
World Ocean Database 2009
Published 2020-11-17 |
437 |
IndOBIS Dataset (93630-103790)
Published 2022-01-19 |
415 |
UF Invertebrate Zoology
Published 2024-02-12 |
342 |
Foraging habitats of the seabird community of Europa Island (Mozambique Channel)
Published 2021-04-24 |
253 |
Taxonomically comprehensive assessment of biodiversity of animal plankton throughout the world ocean
Published |
240 |
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 20-180 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed by environmental High Content Fluorescence Microscopy (e-HCFM).
Published 2025-03-20 |
56 |
SIO Marine Bird and Mammal Survey 2004
Published 2021-04-24 |
49 |
Personal library collection of Martin Angel of published and unpublished Halocyprid (Ostracoda) occurrences
Published 2025-03-20 |
38 |
Scientific name | Records |
Decapterus macarellus (Cuvier, 1833)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
562 |
Onychoprion Wagler, 1832
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
283 |
Onychoprion fuscatus Linnaeus, 1766
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
158 |
Sula sula (Linnaeus, 1766)
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
129 |
Phaethon Linnaeus, 1758
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
72 |
Laridae Vigors, 1825
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
59 |
Cranchia scabra Leach, 1817
Phylum Mollusca > Class Cephalopoda |
59 |
Fregata de Lacepède, 1799
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
51 |
Tetrapturus pfluegeri Robins & de Sylva, 1963
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
48 |
Phaethon rubricauda Boddaert, 1783
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
41 |
Scientific name | Records | Since |
Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761)
VU Phylum Chordata |
9 | 2013 |
Trichogorgia insulaeuropensis Weinberg, 2013
Phylum Cnidaria > Class Octocorallia |
2 | 2013 |
Sterna paradisaea Pontoppidan, 1763
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves |
1 | 2012 |
Carcharhinus melanopterus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
VU Phylum Chordata > Class Elasmobranchii |
1 | 2011 |
Carcharhinus obscurus (Lesueur, 1818)
EN Phylum Chordata > Class Elasmobranchii |
1 | 2011 |
Galeocerdo cuvier (Péron & Lesueur, 1822)
NT Phylum Chordata > Class Elasmobranchii |
1 | 2011 |
Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834)
CR Phylum Chordata > Class Elasmobranchii |
1 | 2011 |
Sphyrna mokarran (Rüppell, 1837)
CR Phylum Chordata > Class Elasmobranchii |
1 | 2011 |
Atherinomorus lacunosus (Forster, 1801)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2011 |
Hemiramphus far (Forsskål, 1775)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei |
1 | 2011 |
Name | Records |
Duke University | 1,040 |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | 988 |
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement | 923 |
Observatoire Pelagis UMS 3462, University La Rochelle - CNRS | 708 |
Observatoire PELAGIS, UMS 3462, University La Rochelle-CNRS | 708 |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington | 437 |
U.S. Geological Survey HQ | 437 |
Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India | 416 |
Florida Museum of Natural History | 342 |
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO | 257 |