Benthic habitats of Yanyuwa Sea Country, Barni - Wardimantha Awara Indigenous Protected Area, Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory, Australia (NESP MaC Project 1.12, JCU & CDU)

Repository URL
Node OBIS Australia
Published2023-10-19 05:01
First registered2023-10-19 05:03

This dataset summarises benthic surveys in Yanyuwa Sea Country. This data set shows that in Yanyuwa sea country in the Gulf of Carpentaria, that there is significant seagrass along the coastline. The inshore coastline seagrass continues from Rosie Creek to Robinson River, where King Ash Bay and Bing Bong has almost continuous, reasonably dense seagrass meadows. Seagrass cover is present around the north, east and southern intertidal areas of West Island. Around the northern side of Black Islet has seagrass as well as north areas of Skull Island. Watson Island has seagrass areas on the southern and eastern coastlines. Seagrass cover can be found on Centre Island on all sides, particularly on the east and western sides. Vanderlin Island has light seagrass cover mostly towards the southern tip. Species present in these regions include C. serrulate, E. acoroides, H. ovalis, H. uninervis.

CitationGroom, R., Carter, A. B., Collier, C., Firby, L., Evans, S., Barrett, S., Hoffman, L., van de Wetering, C., Evans, S., Simon, S., & Anderson, S. (2023). Benthic habitats of Yanyuwa Sea Country, Barni - Wardimantha Awara Indigenous Protected Area, Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory, Australia (NESP MaC Project 1.12, JCU & CDU) [Data set]. eAtlas.
RightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License
Keywords Samplingevent
Creator Rachel Groom
Charles Darwin University
Creator Catherine Collier
TropWATER, James Cook University
Creator Lauren Firby
Creator Shaun Evans
li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit, Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation
Creator Stephen Barrett
li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit, Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation
Creator Luke Hoffman
TropWATER, James Cook University
Creator Chris van der Wetering
TropWATER, James Cook University
Creator Shade Evans
li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit, Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation
Creator Steven Simon
li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit, Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation
Creator Stephen Anderson
Jungkayi for eastern Vanderlin Island
Contact Rachel Groom
Charles Darwin University
Metadata Provider Rachel Groom
Charles Darwin University
Publisher OBIS Australia Node manager
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre
Principal Investigator Rachel Groom


Occurrence records 2,171
Species level 2,171
Absence records 40,053
Event records 3,248
MoF records 6,496
Sequence records 0
Species 7
Taxa 7
Time range 2021 - 2022

This dataset has appeared in 731 downloads in 2025, with a total of 1,556,461 records.

Data quality

Dropped records

Dropped records 0
Not marine 0
No WoRMS match 0
No coordinates 0
Zero coordinates 0

Taxonomic issues

Marine unsure 0
No accepted name available 0

Missing and invalid fields

Field Missing Invalid
No missing or invalid fields.

Spatial issues

Records on land 1,846
More than 20 km from shore 0
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth 0

Top taxa

IUCN Red List All taxa
Scientific name Records
Halodule uninervis (Forsskål) Ascherson, 1882
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Halophila ovalis (R.Brown) J.D.Hooker, 1858
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Cymodocea rotundata Ascherson & Schweinfurth, 1870
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Oceana serrulata (R.Brown) Byng & Christenh.
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Syringodium isoetifolium (Ascherson) Dandy, 1939
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Enhalus acoroides (Linnaeus f.) Royle, 1839
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld, 1902
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida





detailed (class) simple

Data providers

Name OceanExpert ID
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure 20942
Charles Darwin University
Jungkayi for eastern Vanderlin Island
li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit, Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation
TropWATER, James Cook University

Measurement types

measurementType measurementTypeID Records
Substrate 45,472
Survey Method 45,472

