presence records

measurements and facts


accepted species



Second open call for marine biodiversity data - Contribute to the Digital Twin of the Ocean

January 17, 2025 European Digital Twin of the Ocean open call DTO-BioFlow

Data holders are encouraged to contribute to the European Digital Twin of the Ocean.

IODC-III, call for abstracts - Join forces with OBIS to showcase the importance of fit-for-purpose and actionable data for ocean biodiversity

January 3, 2025 actionable data community capacity development IODC-III Policy

Participate in the OBIS-led session at the third edition of the International Ocean Data Conference on 10-11 March 2025

Living Data 2025 - The call for sessions is open. Submit yours today!

December 26, 2024 data Living Data 2025

Participate in Living Data 2025 to increase collaboration, capacity and equitable access to data and tools supporting biodiversity monitoring and management.

UNESCO eDNA Expeditions - Successfully transforming innovative eDNA sampling into actionable data with OBIS expertise

December 9, 2024 eDNA eDNA Expeditions UNESCO eDNA Dashboards Policy

Decoding the Ocean - UNESCO eDNA Expeditions Unveil Ocean Biodiversity

Help Build a Holistic Ocean Observing System: Survey for a Collaborative Ocean Observing Blueprint

November 25, 2024 BioEcoOcean survey Horizon Europe

The Horizon Europe project BioEcoOcean is seeking input via a survey for the development of a Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science.

Marine perspectives on COP16-Reinforced global collaborations to better support conservation

November 24, 2024 COP16 Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Ocean Observations Marine Conservation

With a dedicated Ocean Day and numerous positive concrete outcomes for ocean observations and marine biodiversity conservation, COP16 was a milestone for advancing global ocean observing and information systems. The formal recognition of OBIS and GOOS as crucial marine components of the Global Biodiversity Framework demonstrates the readiness of the two infrastructures to accelerate marine knowledge provision to better protect our Ocean.

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Recently published datasets

Jellyfish in Israeli Mediterranean coast from 2009 to 2024, Citizen Science Data

January 16, 2025 - MedOBIS

Jellyfish observations (Citizen Science Data) are collected from the Israeli Mediterranean coast and sea since June 2011 via a webapp (www.meduzot.co.il). Observations are validated by experts in a two-tier process, once daily and again semi-annually. This data is used to alert the public to incoming swarms and helps us increase our knowledge of their behavior, ecology, phenology (e.g. Edelist et al. 2022; Levy et al. 2024), and taxonomy (Edelist et al. 2019). The project also educates and disseminates information about jellyfish sting prevention and treatment (Edelist et al. 2023). This data is also stored in the EU Iliad Project Ocean Information Model.

Seagrass meadow and macrofauna communities in Southern coast of Algerian Basin (El Mellah Lagoon), 2019

January 14, 2025 - MedOBIS

This dataset is the main part of a study conducted monthly throughout 2019 at three stations selected due to their combined continental and marine influences. The study aimed to assess the health status of the El Mellah lagoon. The analysis of the spatio-temporal variation of angiosperms reveals significant changes in their distribution within the lagoon, which appear to be linked to fluctuations in the environmental conditions of El Mellah. It is observed that Zostera noltei (Hornemann, 1832) dominates the stations influenced by freshwater, while Ruppia maritima (Linnaeus, 1753) dominates the northern part of the lagoon, where the influence of marine waters is more pronounced. The invasive species Arcuatula senhousia, which was first observed in June 2019 in El Mellah, has been found attached to the leaves and rhizomes of Zostera noltei, and to a lesser extent, on the empty shells of the bivalve Cerastoderma glaucum. Since its introduction, it has dominated the bivalve community in El Mellah with a maximum density of 1321 ± 1167 ind.m-2. This phenomenon can lead to a decline in the biodiversity of the lagoon, particularly affecting the Zostera noltei seagrass and the threatened Cerastoderma glaucum species. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive studies to assess the impact of Arcuatula senhousia in the El Mellah lagoon to implement appropriate conservation and restoration measures to preserve the integrity of the ecosystem."

Algas pardas de la región de Santa Marta: Diversidad, química y potencial uso en la industria cosmética

January 8, 2025 - OBIS Colombia

Se recolectaron e identificaron macroalgas pardas en el intermareal rocoso de Punta Venado y Taganga, Santa Marta, Colombia, durante noviembre de 2021 y abril de 2022, como parte del proyecto "Algas pardas de la región de Santa Marta: Diversidad, química y potencial uso en la industria cosmética". La cobertura se estimó mediante transectos y cuadrantes, y las muestras se preservaron en alcohol al 96% para su posterior identificación en laboratorio utilizando bibliografía especializada y fotografías in situ. Se recolectó 1 kg de cada morfotipo para análisis químicos. Se identificaron 13 especies: Asteronema breviarticulatum, Chnoospora mínima, Dictyota crenulata, Dictyota caribaea, Feldmannia mitchelliae, Padina pavonica, Padina gymnospora, Padina sanctae – crucis, Sargassum cymosum, Sargassum polyceratium, Sargassum filipéndula, Sargassum stenophyllum y Sargassum fluitans.

BulkDNA macrobenthos from sandextraction sites in the Belgian part of the North Sea

December 20, 2024 - OBIS Secretariat

This dataset contains COI metabarcoding data from macrobenthos collected in three sand extraction areas in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS). Three different sand banks with varying extraction volumes and frequencies were sampled. [This dataset was processed using the GBIF Metabarcoding Data Toolkit.]

12S eDNA from seawater samples collected within the coastal zone of the Belgian part of the North Sea

December 20, 2024 - OBIS Secretariat

This dataset contains eDNA metabarcoding data of fish species detected at 9 locations within the coastal area of the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS). The seawater samples were collected monthly from August 2021 to August 2023 at the fixed stations. The fish species were identified using 12S eDNA metabarcoding. The dataset includes amplicon sequence variants and their associated metadata. [This dataset was processed using the GBIF Metabarcoding Data Toolkit.]

DFO Maritimes Biofouling Monitoring Program

December 19, 2024 - OBIS Canada

Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) National Biofouling Monitoring Program (BMP) has conducted annual field surveys to monitor the introduction, establishment, spread, species richness, and relative abundance of native and non-indigenous species (NIS) since 2006. Standardized monitoring protocols employed by DFO-Maritimes, -Gulf, and -Quebec Regions include biofouling collector plates deployed from May to October at intertidal and shallow subtidal, geo-referenced sites, including public and private docks, aquaculture lease sites, public and private marinas and yacht clubs. Initially in the Maritimes Region (2006-2017) collectors consisted of 3, 10 cm by 10cm PVC plates deployed in a vertical array and spaced approximately 40-cm apart with the shallowest plate hung at least 1 m below the surface to sample shallow subtidal and intertidal species (Sephton et al. 2011, 2017). Two replicate arrays were deployed at least 5 m apart per site. Since 2018, collector arrays were modified to enhance statistical replication, including 10 individual collectors deployed per site at 1 m depth and at least 5 m apart (as above) from May to October. The percent cover of AIS on all collectors was determined by visual examination and scored as follows; (i) ‘0’ = absent, (ii) ‘1’ = ≤25 % cover, (iii) ‘2’ = 25 to ≤50 %, (iv) ‘3’ = 50–75% , and (v) ‘4’ = >75%. Average percent cover is provided for all NIS observed annually per site. Presence-absence indicates that an NIS was observed on at least one collector plate. One additional rocky intertidal species (Asian shore crab; Hemigrapsus sanguineus) was assessed via beach surveys as permitted by time and resources following its initial siting in St Mary’s Bay (Nova Scotia) in April 2020. Rapid assessment surveys conducted in the Fall of 2020 and 2021 were employed to delineate H. sanguineus’ distribution and relative abundance. Areas deemed suitable and at high risk for spread were targeted, including exposed rocky intertidal habitat in southwest regions of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Each rapid assessment consisted of 30-minute beach surveys per site conducted by 2 or 3 people (modified from Stephenson et al. 2011). During each survey, crabs were collected under rocks and seaweed in preferred cobble/boulder habitat (Lohrer et al. 2000). Count data was standardized for each site as the number of crabs collected per 30-min search per person.

Use cases

State of knowledge on marine connectivity gathered by migratory marine species

ABNJ connectivity marine species management telemetry tracking

Advancements in technology have improved our knowledge of how different areas of the ocean are connected by the movement of migratory and mobile marine species. This information is vital to inform area-based management and conservation efforts. The authors of this study, led by the OBIS-SEAMAP node, performed a literature review of 25 years of accessible connectivity data for 173 marine mammal, fish, sea turtle, and seabird species to shed light on the current state of knowledge. They found telemetry methods are the most effective tool for demonstrating connectivity, but that significant gaps and obstacles remain in this field of research.

Invasive marine algae in the Mediterranean was misidentified for decades

Algae Invasive species Mediterranean Modelling

The red algae, "Lophocladia lallemandii", one of the worst invasive species in the Mediterranean, was misidentified for nearly three decades. The researchers who discovered this error recommend genetic analysis as a mandatory first step when identifying, monitoring and managing invasives. OBIS served as a useful data repository to confirm the occurrence of this misidentified species.

Preserving seagrasses in a changing climate

climate change modelling MPA seagrass

This study provides the first comprehensive global assessment of how climate change may affect the distribution and range of 66 seagrass species. It also examines how well the current global MPA coverage will protect these important ecosystems in the future. The authors relied on occurrence records from OBIS, along with other sources of data and expert knowledge, to develop species distribution models under various scenarios.

Metabarcoding is a promising tool for identifying species of fish from their eggs and larvae

DNA eggs fish larvae ichthyoplankton metabarcoding Indian Ocean

Understanding the diversity and distribution of fish egg and larvae in the ocean provides invaluable information on ecosystem health, capacity to recover from disturbances and helps guide management and conservation efforts. This study shows that metabarcoding is a promising tool that allows for rapid and accurate species identification. OBIS was used to validate and confirm the distribution range, habitat and occurrence of the species detected by metabarcoding.

How many species live in the world’s largest marine mineral exploration region?

Biodiversity Deep sea Pacific Taxonomy

This study offers the first comprehensive synthesis of published data for the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the central and eastern Pacific. The authors report that this area, which covers 6 million km2, represents significant undescribed biodiversity with an estimated 88%–92% species waiting to be described. Data used in this research were extracted from OBIS highlighting its value as a global data repository for marine biodiversity.

Current knowledge on the reproduction of deep-sea corals

Corals Deep Sea Depth Distribution Reproduction

This study looks at the current state of research on the reproduction of deep-sea corals. Occurrence records were extracted from OBIS to find available information for species living at depths below 100m. Less than 7% of known deep-sea coral species were found to have any aspect of their reproduction reported in the literature highlighting significant gaps and priorities for future research.

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