Solomon Sea


Occurrence records 75,030
Species level 56,261
Species 4,689
Taxa 6,589
Datasets 116
Time range 1840 - 2023

Data quality

Dropped records

Dropped records 0
Not marine 222
No WoRMS match 1,111
No coordinates 0
Zero coordinates 0

Taxonomic issues

Marine unsure 86
No accepted name available 889

Missing and invalid fields

Field Missing Invalid
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters 39,589 1,198
eventDate 19,347 0
maximumDepthInMeters 38,858 55
minimumDepthInMeters 32,724 16
occurrenceStatus 16,103 0
scientificName 625 0
scientificNameID 4,961 8

Spatial issues

Records on land 464
More than 20 km from shore 0
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth 5,639


Disclaimer: EEZ boundaries based on Marine Regions (no endorsement).



detailed (class) simple

Top taxa

Unique species IUCN Red List All taxa
Scientific name Records
Pterocaesio pisang (Bleeker, 1853)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
Pterocaesio tile (Cuvier, 1830)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
Caesio cuning (Bloch, 1791)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
Ctenochaetus striatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840
Phylum Echinodermata > Class Ophiuroidea
Idas Jeffreys, 1876
Phylum Mollusca > Class Bivalvia
Acanthurus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
Linckia laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phylum Echinodermata > Class Asteroidea
Tridacna maxima (Röding, 1798)
Phylum Mollusca > Class Bivalvia
Echinometra mathaei (Blainville, 1825)
Phylum Echinodermata > Class Echinoidea

Newest species

Scientific name Records Since
Hazeus paucisquamatus Allen, Erdmann & Brooks, 2024
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
1 2023
Numenius madagascariensis (Linnaeus, 1766) EN
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
2 2019
Siphamia corallicola Allen, 1993
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
1 2019
Siphamia papuensis Gon, Allen, Erdmann & Gouws, 2014
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
1 2019
Eviota amphipora Greenfield & Erdmann, 2020
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
2 2019
Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) VU
Phylum Chordata
2 2018
Eviota teresae Greenfield & Randall, 2016
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
1 2018
Siphamia arnazae Allen & Erdmann, 2019
Phylum Chordata > Class Teleostei
1 2018
Centrophorus longipinnis White, Ebert & Naylor, 2017 EN
Phylum Chordata > Class Elasmobranchii
4 2017
Sterna hirundo Linnaeus, 1758
Phylum Chordata > Class Aves
12 2016

Data providers

Name Records
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure 24,876
Curtin University 18,378
Pacific Community 15,104
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle / IRD 14,519
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) 10,057
Southwestern Pacific OBIS Node 7,564
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre, Hobart 6,329
The Nature Conservancy 5,887
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee 5,315
PNG National Fisheries Authority (NFA) 5,047