Ampithoe Leach, 1814

kingdom Animalia > phylum Arthropoda > subphylum Crustacea > superclass Multicrustacea > class Malacostraca > subclass Eumalacostraca > superorder Peracarida > order Amphipoda > suborder Senticaudata > infraorder Corophiida > parvorder Corophiidira > superfamily Corophioidea > family Ampithoidae > genus Ampithoe

NCBI ID134541
Common names ヒゲナガヨコエビ
Environments marine, brackish, freshwater, terrestrial

Child taxa

Species Ampithoe dentata junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe aztecus superseded combination
Species Ampithoe longimana
Species Ampithoe fastidiosa
Species Ampithoe ferox
Species Ampithoe gammaroides unaccepted
Species Ampithoe helleri superseded combination
Species Ampithoe littorina junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe neglecta junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe pomboi
Species Ampithoe ramondi
Species Ampithoe riedli
Species Ampithoe rubricata
Species Ampithoe spuria unaccepted
Species Ampithoe vaillantii junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe valida
Species Ampithoe rubicata misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling
Species Ampithoe africana
Species Ampithoe falsa superseded combination
Species Ampithoe marcuzzii
Species Ampithoe laxipodus
Species Ampithoe longicarpus
Species Ampithoe mascarenensis
Species Ampithoe kergueleni
Species Ampithoe seticoxae
Species Ampithoe lafkui
Species Ampithoe akuolaka
Species Ampithoe alluaudi
Species Ampithoe annulata nomen nudum
Species Ampithoe aptos
Species Ampithoe auriculata superseded combination
Species Ampithoe australiensis
Species Ampithoe boecki
Species Ampithoe buczinskii nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe chilensis nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe cinerea
Species Ampithoe corallina nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe costata nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe dalli
Species Ampithoe djakonovi
Species Ampithoe filigera nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe flindersi superseded combination
Species Ampithoe fucorum nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe grubiformis
Species Ampithoe guaspare
Species Ampithoe hinatore
Species Ampithoe kaneohe unaccepted
Species Ampithoe kava superseded combination
Species Ampithoe kuala
Species Ampithoe kulafi unaccepted
Species Ampithoe kussakini
Species Ampithoe lacertosa
Species Ampithoe macrocornuta
Species Ampithoe maculata nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe navosa unaccepted
Species Ampithoe pausilipae nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe platycera
Species Ampithoe plumulosa
Species Ampithoe poipu superseded combination
Species Ampithoe pollex
Species Ampithoe punctata junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe quadrimanus superseded combination
Species Ampithoe rubricatoides
Species Ampithoe sectimana
Species Ampithoe senegalensis
Species Ampithoe serraticauda
Species Ampithoe simulans unaccepted
Species Ampithoe tahue
Species Ampithoe tarasovi
Species Ampithoe tongensis nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe vacoregue
Species Ampithoe virescens nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe viridis nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe volki
Species Ampithoe waialua
Species Ampithoe zachsi
Species Ampithoe maxillisius superseded combination
Species Ampithoe megaloprotopus
Species Ampithoe mitsukurii nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe simulans
Species Ampithoe brevipalma
Species Ampithoe caddi
Species Ampithoe grandimanus junior homonym
Species Ampithoe hyalos
Species Ampithoe katae
Species Ampithoe ningaloo unaccepted
Species Ampithoe nobrei
Species Ampithoe parakava superseded combination
Species Ampithoe peronana
Species Ampithoe divisura superseded combination
Species Ampithoe roly
Species Ampithoe rosema
Species Ampithoe boiana
Species Ampithoe cookana
Species Ampithoe dentimana
Species Ampithoe eremitis
Species Ampithoe geographe
Species Ampithoe gammaroides misapplication
Species Ampithoe bicuspis junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe hiana unaccepted
Species Ampithoe hirsutimanus
Species Ampithoe koreana
Species Ampithoe meganae superseded combination
Species Ampithoe merimbula
Species Ampithoe ngana
Species Ampithoe plumicornis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe indentata unaccepted
Species Ampithoe pseudongana
Species Ampithoe rachanoi
Species Ampithoe penicillata junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe desmarestii junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe raymondi misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling
Species Ampithoe erythraea junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe intermedia junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe lobata junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe picta junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe punctatus incorrect grammatical agreement of specific epithet
Species Ampithoe podoceroides junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe albomaculata junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe ulladulla
Species Ampithoe youngsanensis
Species Ampithoe punctata nomen dubium
Species Ampithoe norvegica junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe stimpsoni unaccepted
Species Ampithoe cuniculus superseded combination
Species Ampithoe japonica unaccepted
Species Ampithoe inda misapplication
Species Ampithoe macrurus junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe pontica junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe scitulus unaccepted
Species Ampithoe cavimana superseded combination
Species Ampithoe filosa superseded combination
Species Ampithoe femorata superseded combination
Species Ampithoe setosa superseded combination
Species Ampithoe orientalis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe pelagica superseded combination
Species Ampithoe hirsutus superseded combination
Species Ampithoe compressa junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe swammerdamei superseded combination
Species Ampithoe pygmaea junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe rotunda unaccepted
Species Ampithoe jurinei superseded combination
Species Ampithoe laeviuscula unaccepted
Species Ampithoe fulvocincta superseded combination
Species Ampithoe fresnellii unaccepted
Species Ampithoe inermis unaccepted
Species Ampithoe crenulata unaccepted
Species Ampithoe brevipes unaccepted
Species Ampithoe tea superseded combination
Species Ampithoe schmizuensis unaccepted
Species Ampithoe bizseli
Species Ampithoe ricaudyana
Species Ampithoe takeuchii
Species Ampithoe hughesae
Species Ampithoe bicuspis unaccepted
Species Ampithoe mantissa
Species Ampithoe prolata
Species Ampithoe atauro
Species Ampithoe suapensis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe aquilina superseded combination
Species Ampithoe robustimana
Species Ampithoe qeshmensis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe fissicauda superseded combination
Species Ampithoe waratah
Species Ampithoe inaequipes superseded combination
Species Ampithoe prevostii superseded combination
Species Ampithoe armorica superseded combination
Species Ampithoe reynaudii superseded combination
Species Ampithoe annenkovae superseded combination
Subgenus Ampithoe (Pleonexes) unaccepted
Species Ampithoe crassicornis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe aorangi superseded combination
Species Ampithoe eoa superseded combination
Species Ampithoe mea superseded combination
Species Ampithoe lindbergi superseded combination
Species Ampithoe plea superseded combination
Species Ampithoe latipes superseded combination
Species Ampithoe gayi superseded combination
Species Ampithoe humeralis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe parasitica superseded combination
Species Ampithoe compta superseded combination
Species Ampithoe rathkii superseded combination
Species Ampithoe olokumae
Species Ampithoe thaix
Species Ampithoe serrata junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe elongata superseded combination
Species Ampithoe sectimanus incorrect grammatical agreement of specific epithet
Species Ampithoe babirussa superseded combination
Species Ampithoe gazella superseded combination
Species Ampithoe tenella superseded combination
Species Ampithoe nilssonii superseded combination
Species Ampithoe brasiliensis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe filicornis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe indica superseded combination
Species Ampithoe inda superseded combination
Species Ampithoe rubella superseded combination
Species Ampithoe changbaensis
Species Ampithoe grandimana superseded combination
Species Ampithoe brevitarsis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe falklandi junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe moggridgei junior subjective synonym
Species Ampithoe marionis superseded combination
Species Ampithoe tenuicornis superseded combination


Occurrence records 5,285
Species level 4,230
Absence records 332
Species 54
Taxa 56
Datasets 139
Time range 1778 - 2023

Data quality

Dropped records

Dropped records 43
Not marine 0
Marine unsure 0
No coordinates 43
Zero coordinates 0

Taxonomic issues

Marine unsure 0
No accepted name available 5

Missing and invalid fields

Field Missing Invalid
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters 4,253 72
decimalLatitude 43 0
decimalLongitude 43 0
eventDate 252 0
maximumDepthInMeters 4,386 0
minimumDepthInMeters 4,228 1
occurrenceStatus 1,874 0
scientificNameID 824 114

Spatial issues

Records on land 1,292
More than 20 km from shore 56
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth 100



Environmental conditions