Lembos hirsutipes Stebbing, 1895

kingdom Animalia > phylum Arthropoda > subphylum Crustacea > superclass Multicrustacea > class Malacostraca > subclass Eumalacostraca > superorder Peracarida > order Amphipoda > suborder Senticaudata > infraorder Corophiida > parvorder Corophiidira > superfamily Aoroidea > family Aoridae > genus Lembos > species Lembos hirsutipes

Statussuperseded combination
Aphia IDurn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:102031
Valid nameAutonoe hirsutipes
Valid Aphia ID488705
Environments marine

This status of this taxon in WoRMS is superseded combination. The accepted taxon for Lembos hirsutipes Stebbing, 1895 is Autonoe hirsutipes.