Kupellonura flexibilis (Pasternak, 1982)

kingdom Animalia > phylum Arthropoda > subphylum Crustacea > superclass Multicrustacea > class Malacostraca > subclass Eumalacostraca > superorder Peracarida > order Isopoda > suborder Cymothoida > superfamily Anthuroidea > family Hyssuridae > genus Kupellonura > species Kupellonura flexibilis

Statussuperseded combination
Aphia IDurn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:118488
Valid nameAnthelura flexibilis
Valid Aphia ID1597448
Environments marine, brackish, freshwater, terrestrial

This status of this taxon in WoRMS is superseded combination. The accepted taxon for Kupellonura flexibilis (Pasternak, 1982) is Anthelura flexibilis.