Kallymenia cribrogloea Womersley & R.E.Norris, 1971

kingdom Plantae > subkingdom Biliphyta > phylum Rhodophyta > subphylum Eurhodophytina > class Florideophyceae > subclass Rhodymeniophycidae > order Gigartinales > family Kallymeniaceae > genus Kallymenia > species Kallymenia cribrogloea

Aphia IDurn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:374932
Valid nameAustrokallymenia cribrogloea
Valid Aphia ID1305107
Environments marine

This status of this taxon in WoRMS is unaccepted. The accepted taxon for Kallymenia cribrogloea Womersley & R.E.Norris, 1971 is Austrokallymenia cribrogloea.