2les des Sept Frbres et Godorya (Seven Brothers Islands and Godorya |
ABNJ: Arctic Ocean |
ABNJ: Indian Ocean |
ABNJ: North Atlantic |
ABNJ: North Pacific |
ABNJ: South Atlantic |
ABNJ: Southern Ocean |
ABNJ: South Pacific |
Abrolhos bank and Vitória-Trindade Chain |
Adriatic Sea |
Aegean Sea |
Agulhas Bank Nursery Area |
Agulhas Current |
Agulhas Front |
Agulhas slope and seamounts |
Akamas and Chrysochou Bay |
Albania |
Alboran Sea |
Aldabra Atoll |
Aleutian Islands |
Algeria |
Alijos Islands, Mexico |
Amazonina-Orinoco Influenced Zone |
Andaman or Burma Sea |
Angola |
Antarctica |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Anzali Wetlands Complex |
Arabian Basin |
Arabian Sea |
Arabian Sea |
Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone |
Arafura Sea |
Archipel de Bijagos (Guinea-Bissau) |
Arctic Ocean |
Area de Conservaci�n Guanacaste |
Argentina |
Artvin-Arhavi |
Atauro Island |
Atlantic Equatorial Fracture Zone |
Atlantis Seamount |
Australia |
Australia: all |
Australia: Christmas Island |
Australia: Cocos Islands |
Australia: Heard and McDonald Islands |
Australia - Indonesia |
Australia: Macquarie Island |
Australia: Norfolk Island |
Australia - Papua New Guinea |
Baa Atoll |
Baffin Bay |
Bahamas |
Bahrain |
Baixo Pinda - Pebane (Primeiras and Segundas Islands) |
Balaklava |
Balearic (Iberian Sea) |
Bali Sea |
Baltic Sea |
Baltic Sea |
Banc d'Arguin National Park |
Banco de la Plata y Banco de la Navidad |
Banda Sea |
Bangladesh |
Banks of Northern Brazil and Fernando de Noronha |
Barbados |
Barents Sea |
Barentsz Sea |
Bass Strait |
Bay of Bengal |
Bay of Bengal |
Bay of Biscay |
Bay of Fundy |
Beaufort Sea |
Beaufort Sea |
Belgium |
Belize |
Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System |
Benguela Current |
Benguela Upwelling System |
Benham Rise |
Benin |
Bering Sea |
Bismarck Sea |
Black Sea |
Black Sea |
Blue Bay Marine Park, Mauritius |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bouche du Roi-Togbin |
Brazil |
Brazil: all |
Brazilian Atlantic Islands: Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas Reserves |
Brazil: Trindade |
Bristol Channel |
Browns Bank (South Africa) |
Brunei |
Bulgaria |
Cahuita – Gandoca |
California Current |
Cambodia |
Cameroon |
Canada: all |
Canada: Arctic Ocean |
Canada: North Atlantic |
Canada: North Pacific |
Canadian Eastern Arctic - West Greenland |
Canadian High Arctic - North Greenland |
Canary Current |
Canyon de Cayar (Sénégal) |
Canyon et montagne de Tabou (Côte d'Ivoire) |
Canyon et trou sans fond d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) |
Cape Canyon and Surrounds (South Africa) |
Cape Verde |
Caracol/Ft. Liberté/Monte Cristi |
Caribbean Sea |
Caribbean Sea |
Caspian Seal Breeding Grounds |
Cayos Miskitos |
Celebes Sea |
Cellule de l'Upwelling permanent dans la zone Nord de Mauritanie |
Celtic-Biscay Shelf |
Celtic Sea |
Central Aegean Sea |
Central Arctic |
CentralHCSUpwelling |
Central Indian Basin |
Ceram Sea |
Childs Bank (South Africa) |
Chile |
Chile: all |
Chile: Easter Island |
China |
Chukchi Sea |
Churna-Kaio Island Complex |
Clipperton Atoll |
Coastal lagoons and Islands off Baja California and Offshore Waters Complex, Mexico |
Coastal Waters of Chukotka |
Coast of Western and Northern Novaya Zemlya |
Cobb-Eickelberg Seamount Chain/ Northeast Pacific Rim east of Aleutians to California -- Gulf of Alaska area |
Cocos Island National Park |
Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection |
Cold Seeps |
Colombia |
Commander Islands shelf and slope, Russia |
Comoro Islands |
Complexe de Santa Luzia (Cape Verde) |
Convection Zone East of Honshu |
Coral Sea |
Coral Seamount and fracture zone feature |
Corn Island |
Coronado Islands, Mexico |
Corridor Marino |
Costa Rica: all |
Costa Rica Dome |
Costa Rica: North Atlantic |
Costa Rica: North Pacific |
Croatia |
Cuba |
Cyprus |
Danube Delta Marine Area |
Davis Strait |
Daymaniyat Islands |
Delagoa shelf edge, canyons and slope |
Delta du Saloum (Sénégal) |
Denmark: all |
Denmark: Baltic Sea |
Denmark: Faeroe Islands |
Denmark: Greenland |
Denmark: North Sea |
Djibouti |
Dominica |
Dominican Republic |
Dongonbab Bay - Mukawar Island Area |
Due South of Great Australian Bight |
East and South Chukotka coast, Russia |
East Bering Sea |
East Brazil Shelf |
East Broken Ridge Guyot |
East Central Australian Shelf |
East China Sea |
Eastern Caribbean |
Eastern China Sea |
Eastern Hokkaido |
Eastern shelf of Sakhalin island, Russia |
East Rennell |
East Siberian Sea |
East Siberian Sea |
East Timor |
EBSA No. 10: Rarotonga Outer Reef Slopes (80-300m depth) |
EBSA No 11: Samoan Archipelago |
EBSA No. 12: Suwarrow National Park |
EBSA No. 13: South of Tuvalu/Wallis & Fortuna/North of Fiji Plateau |
EBSA No. 14: Vatu-i-Ra/Lomaiviti, Fiji |
EBSA No. 15: South Tasman Sea |
EBSA No.16: Equatorial High-Productivity Zone |
EBSA No 17: Central Louisville Seamount Chain |
EBSA No. 18: Western South Pacific High Aragonite Saturation State Zone |
EBSA No. 19: Clipperton Fracture Zone petrel foraging area |
EBSA No. 1.: Phoenix Islands |
EBSA No. 20: Northern Lord Howe Ridge petrel foraging area |
EBSA No. 21: Northern New Zealand/South Fiji Basin |
EBSA No: 22: Taveuni and Ringgold Islands |
EBSA No 23: Manihiki Plateau |
EBSA No. 24: Niue Island and Beveridge reef |
EBSA No. 25: Palau Southwest EBSA (Dims) |
EBSA No. 26: Tongan Archipelago |
EBSA No 2: Ua puakaoa seamounts |
EBSA No 3: Seamounts of West Norfolk ridge |
EBSA No. 4: Remetau group: SW Caroline Islands and northern New Guinea EBSA |
EBSA No. 5: Kadavu and the Southern Lau Region |
EBSA No. 6: Kermadec-Tonga-Louisville Junction |
EBSA No. 7: Monowai Seamount |
EBSA No. 8: New Britain Trench Region |
EBSA No. 9: New Hebrides Trench Region |
Ecuador |
Ecuador: all |
Ecuador: Galapagos Islands |
Egypt: all |
Egypt: Mediterranean Sea |
Egypt: Red Sea |
El Salvador |
Embouchure de la Casamance (Sénégal) |
Embouchure du Rio Pongo (Guinea) |
Emperor Seamount Chain and Northern Hawaiian Ridge |
English Channel |
Equatorial Front and Carnegie Ridge |
Equatorial Guinea |
Equatorial Productivity Zone |
Eritrea |
Estonia |
Everglades National Park |
Faroe Plateau |
Fehmarn Belt |
Fiji |
Finland |
Fladen and Stora and Lilla Middelgrund |
Flores Sea |
Focal foraging areas for Hawaiian albatrosses during egg-laying and incubation |
Fools Flat |
France: all |
France: Amsterdam Island and Saint Paul Island |
France: Bassas da India |
France: Clipperton Island |
France: Crozet Islands |
France: French Guiana |
France: French Polynesia |
France: Glorioso Islands |
France: Guadeloupe and Martinique |
France: Ile Europa |
France: Ile Tromelin |
France: Juan de Nova Island |
France: Kerguelen Islands |
France: Mayotte |
France: Mediterranean Sea |
France: New Caledonia |
France: North Atlantic |
France: Northern Saint-Martin |
France: Runion |
France: Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
France: Wallis and Futuna |
Gabon |
Galapagos |
Gal�pagos Islands |
Gambia |
Georgia |
Germany: all |
Germany: Baltic Sea |
Germany: North Sea |
Ghana |
Giresun-Tirebolu |
Gizilagach Bay Complex |
Golfo de Fonseca |
Gough and Inaccessible Islands |
Great Australian Bight |
Great Barrier Reef |
Great Siberian Polynya |
Greece |
Greenland Sea |
Greenland Sea |
Grenada |
Guadalupe Island, Mexico |
Guatemala: all |
Guatemala: North Atlantic |
Guatemala: North Pacific |
Guinea |
Guinea Bissau |
Guinea Current |
Gulf of Aden |
Gulf of Alaska |
Gulf of Alaska |
Gulf of Aqaba |
Gulf of Boni |
Gulf of Bothnia |
Gulf of California |
Gulf of California |
Gulf of Finland |
Gulf of Guayaquil |
Gulf of Guinea |
Gulf of Mannar Pelagic |
Gulf of Mexico |
Gulf of Mexico |
Gulf of Oman |
Gulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana, Gulf of Girolata, Scandola Reserve |
Gulf of Riga |
Gulf of Sirte |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
Gulf of Suez |
Gulf of Thailand |
Gulf of Thailand |
Gulf of Tomini |
Guyana |
Habitat Cotier et marin d'Agbodrafo |
Habitats côtiers de la zone néritique (Mauritanie) |
Hainan Dongzhaigang Mangrove National Natural Reserve |
Haiti |
Halmahera Sea |
Ha Long Bay |
Halong Bay-Catba Limestone Island Cluster |
Heard and McDonald Islands |
High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago |
High seas Turtle Migration Corridor |
Honduras: all |
Honduras: North Atlantic |
Honduras: North Pacific |
Hudson Bay |
Hudson Bay Complex |
Hudson Strait |
Humboldt Current |
Hydrothermal Vent Fields |
Iberian Coastal |
Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture |
Iceland |
Iceland Shelf and Sea |
Iles Boavista (Cape Verde) |
Iles Eparses (part of the Mozambique Channel) |
"Ilha s Tinhosa" (Ilha Principe) |
Incomati River to Ponta do Ouro (southern Mozambique) |
India |
India: all |
India: Andaman and Nicobar |
Indian Ocean |
Indonesia |
Indonesian Sea |
Indus Estuarine Area and Associated Creeks |
Inland Sea Areas of Western Kyushu |
Inner Sea of West Estonian Archipelago |
Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland |
Insular Pacific-Hawaiian |
Intertidal Areas of East Asian Shallow Seas |
Ionian Sea |
Iran |
Iraq |
Ireland |
Irish Sea and St. George's Channel |
iSimangaliso Wetland Park |
Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California |
Israel |
Israel: all |
Israel: Red Sea |
Italy |
Ivory Coast |
Jabal Ali |
Jabuka / Pomo Pit |
Jamaica |
Japan |
Japan Sea |
Java Sea |
Java-Sumatran Upwelling |
Joint Development: Australia - East Timor |
Joint Regime: Colombia - Jamaica |
Joint Regime: Japan - Korea |
Joint Regime: Nigeria - Sao Tome and Principe |
Jordan |
Juan de Fuca Ridge Hydrothermal Vents |
Juan Fernandez Seamounts |
Kaliakra |
Karabogazgol Strait |
Kara Sea |
Kara Sea |
Kattegat |
Kendirli Bay |
Kenya |
Khori Great Bank |
Khor Kahlba |
Kiribati |
Kizlyar Bay |
Kluane / Wrangell-St Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek |
Koh Rong Marine National Park |
Kolkheti Marine Area |
Komodo National Park |
Komsomol Bay |
Kuban Delta |
Kunene - Tigress (Angola/Namibia) |
Kura Delta |
Kuroshio Current |
Kuwait |
Kyushu Palau Ridge |
Labrador - Newfoundland |
Labrador Sea |
Labrador Sea Deep Convection Area |
Laccadive Sea |
Lagoons of New Caledonia: Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems |
Lampi Marine National Park |
Lamu-Kiunga area |
Laptev Sea |
Laptev Sea |
Latvia |
Lebanon |
Le Golfe de Gabès |
Liberia |
Libya |
Ligurian Sea |
Lincoln Sea |
Lithuania |
Macquarie Island |
Madagascar |
Mahe, Alphonse and Amirantes Plateau |
Makassar Strait |
Makran/Daran-Jiwani Area |
Malacca Strait |
Malan-Gwader Complex |
Malaysia |
Maldives |
Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary |
Malta |
Malyi Zhemchyzhnyi (Small Pearl) Island |
Marawah |
Marginal Ice Zone and Seasonal Ice-Cover Over the Deep Arctic Ocean |
Marshall Islands |
Mauritania |
Mauritius |
Mediterranean Sea |
Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin |
Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin |
Mesoamerian Reef |
Mexico: all |
Mexico: North Atlantic |
Mexico: North Pacific |
Miani Hor |
Miankaleh-Esenguly |
Micronesia |
Middle of Nowhere |
Midriff Islands Region, Mexico |
Moheli Marine Park |
Molukka Sea |
Monaco |
Moneron island shelf, Russia |
Montenegro |
Monts sous-marins Cayar (Sénégal) |
Morocco: all |
Morocco: Mediterranean Sea |
Morocco: North Atlantic |
Morrumbene to Zavora bay (Southern Mozambique) |
Mozambique |
Mozambique Channel |
Mozambique Channel |
Muan Tidal Flat |
Multi-Year Ice of the Arctic Ocean |
Murman Coast and Varanger Fjord |
Myanmar |
Namaqua Coastal Area (South Africa) |
Namaqua Fossil Forest (South Africa) |
Namib Flyway (Namibia) |
Namibia |
Namibia Islands (Namibia) |
Nanji Islands Marine Reserve |
Natal Bight |
Natural System of Wrangel Island Reserve |
Nauru |
Nayband Bay |
Nazca and Salas y Gomez |
Netherlands |
Netherlands: all |
Netherlands: Aruba |
Netherlands: Bonaire |
Netherlands: Curaçao |
Netherlands: Saba |
Netherlands: Sint-Eustasius |
Netherlands: Sint-Maarten |
New England and Corner Rise Seamounts |
New Zealand |
New Zealand: all |
New Zealand: Cook Islands |
New Zealand: Niue |
New Zealand Shelf |
New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands |
New Zealand: Tokelau |
Nicaragua: all |
Nicaragua: North Atlantic |
Nicaragua: North Pacific |
Nigeria |
Nile Delta Fan |
Ningaloo Coast |
Nino Konis Santana National Park |
Nord Ouest de Santa Antao (Cape Verde) |
North Aegean |
North Atlantic Ocean |
North Australian Shelf |
North Brazil Shelf |
Northeast Australian Shelf |
North-eastern Barents-Kara Sea |
Northeastern Brazilian Shelf-Edge Zone |
Northeastern Honshu |
Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf |
Northern Adriatic |
Northern Bering - Chukchi Seas |
Northern Coast of Hyogo, Kyoto, Fukui, Ishikawa and Toyama Prefectures |
NorthernHCSUpwelling |
Northern Mozambique Channel |
Northern Part of the Caucasian Black Sea Coast |
North Korea |
North Pacific Ocean |
North Pacific Transition Zone and bordering currents |
North Sea |
North Sea |
Northwest Australian Shelf |
Norway |
Norway: all |
Norway: Bouvet Island |
Norway: Jan Mayen |
Norwegian Sea |
Norwegian Sea |
Ob-Enisey River Mouth |
Offshore of Port Elizabeth |
Ogasawara Islands |
Ogasawara Islands |
Oman |
Oman Arabian Sea |
Orange Cone (Namibia/South Africa) |
Orange Shelf Edge (Namibia/South Africa) |
Orphan Knoll |
Oyashio Current |
Pacific Central-American Coastal |
Pakistan |
Palau |
Panama: all |
Panama: North Atlantic |
Panama: North Pacific |
Papahanaumokuakea |
Papua New Guinea |
Parcel do Manuel Luiz e Banco do Álvaro |
Patagonian Shelf |
Pedro Bank, Southern Channel, and Morant |
Pemba Bay - Mtwara (part of the Mozambique Channel) |
Pemba-Shimoni-Kisite |
Pen�nsula Vald�s |
Persian Gulf |
Peru |
Peru Upwelling Cores |
PeruvianHCSUpwelling |
Peter the Great Bay, Russia |
Philippines |
Philippine Sea |
Phoenix Islands Protected Area |
Plateau continental Nord-Ouest (Congo) |
Poland |
Portugal |
Portugal: all |
Portugal: Azores |
Portugal: Madeira |
Praia das conchas e lagoa Azul (Sao Tomé) |
Pre-estuarine Area of the Ural River |
Pre-estuarine Area of the Volga River |
Prince Edward Islands , Del Cano Rise and Crozet Islands |
Protea Banks and sardine route |
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park |
Qaro and Umm Al-Maradem |
Qatar |
Qeshm Island and Adjacent Marine and Coastal Areas |
Quelimane to Zuni River (Zambezi River Delta) |
Raja Ampat and Northern Bird's Head |
Ramiros-Palmerinhas (Angola) |
Rasdhoo |
Récifs coralliens d'eau froide au large de Nouakchott (Mauritanie) |
Redang Island Archipelago and Adjacent Area |
Red Sea |
Red Sea |
Republic of Korea |
République du Congo |
Rio de La Plata |
Rivercess and Sinoe Sea Turtle Breeding Ground (Liberia) |
Rock Islands Southern Lagoon |
Romania |
Ropotamo |
Route des Crevettes et des Sardines de Tabou--Assinie (Côte d'Ivoire) |
Rufiji - Mafia- Kilwa |
Rusky |
Russia: all |
Russia: Arctic Ocean |
Russia: Baltic Sea |
Russia: Black Sea |
Russia: North Pacific |
Ryukyu Trench |
Saba Bank |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Samoa |
Samur-Yalama |
Sandspit/Hawks Bay and Adjacent Backwaters |
Sanganeb Atoll/Shaab Rumi |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Sargasso Sea |
Sarpi |
Saudi Arabia |
Save River to San Sebastian |
Savu Sea |
Saya de Malha Bank |
Scotian Shelf |
Seabird Foraging Zone in the Southern Labrador Sea |
Sea of Azov |
Sea of Japan |
Sea of Marmara |
Sea of Okhotsk |
Sea of Okhotsk |
Sefidroud Delta |
Senegal |
Seto Naikai or Inland Sea |
Seychelles |
Shankou Mangrove National Nature Reserve |
Shantary islands shelf, Amur and Tugur bays, Russia |
Shark Bay, Western Australia |
Shatt Al-Arab Delta |
Shiretoko |
Sian Ka'an |
Sierra Leone |
Singapore |
Singapore Strait |
Sipacate – Las Lisas |
Sir Bu Na'air Island |
Skagerrak |
Slopes of the Flemish Cap and Grand Bank |
Slovenia |
Socotra Archipelago |
Socotra Archipelago |
Solomon Islands |
Solomon Sea |
Somalia |
Somali Coastal Current |
South Adriatic Ionian Strait |
South Africa: all |
South Africa: Indian Ocean |
South Africa: Prince Edward Islands |
South Africa: South Atlantic |
South Atlantic Ocean |
South Brazil Shelf |
South China Sea |
South China Sea |
South Coast of Sri Lanka |
Southeast Australian Shelf |
Southeastern Baltic Sea Shallows |
South-eastern Barents Sea (the Pechora Sea) |
South East Kamchatka coastal waters, Russia |
Southeast Shoal and Adjacent Areas on the Tail of the Grand Bank |
Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf |
Southern Brazilian Sea |
Southern Coastal Areas of Shikoku and Honshu Islands |
SouthernHCSUpwelling |
Southern Madagascar (Part of Mozambique Channel) |
Southern Ocean |
Southern Red Sea Islands |
Southern Red Sea Pelagic Ecosystem |
Southern Straits of Malacca |
South Kyushu including Yakushima and Tanegashima Islands |
South of Java Island |
South Pacific Ocean |
South West Australian Shelf |
Southwest Islands |
Southwest Waters of Abu Dhabi |
Spain: all |
Spain: Canary Islands |
Spain: Mediterranean Sea |
Spain: North Atlantic |
Sri Lanka |
Sri Lankan side of Gulf of Mannar |
St Kilda |
Strait of Gibraltar |
Suakin Archipelago and Sudanese Southern Red Sea |
Subtropical Convergence Zone |
Sudan |
Sulaibikhat Bay |
Sulu-Celebes Sea |
Sulu Sea |
Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion |
Sundarbans National Park |
Suriname |
Surtsey |
Sweden: all |
Sweden: Baltic Sea |
Sweden: North Sea |
Syria |
Système du « Canyon de Timiris » de Mauritanie |
Talud Continental Superior del Magdalena |
Talud Continental Superior del Sinú |
Taman Bay and the Kerch Strait |
Tanga Coelacanth Marine Park |
Tanzania |
Tasman Sea |
Thailand |
Thailand - Dugong |
Thailand - LWC |
Thailand - SBF |
The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia |
The Great Whirl and Gulf of Aden Upwelling Ecosystem |
The Northwestern Passages |
The Small Phyllophora Field |
The Sundarbans |
The Upper Gulf of Thailand |
The Wadden Sea |
Timor Sea |
Tioman Marine Park |
Togo |
Tonga |
Tortuguero – Barra del Colorado |
Trabzon-Arsin |
Trabzon-Surmene |
Trincomalee Canyon and associated ecosystems |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Tromelin Island |
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park |
Tunisia |
Türkiye |
Turkmen Aylagy |
Turkmenbashi Gulf |
Tuvalu |
Tyrrhenian Sea |
Ujung Kulon National Park |
Ukraine |
United Arab Emirates |
United Kingdom |
United Kingdom: all |
United Kingdom: Anguilla |
United Kingdom: Ascension |
United Kingdom: Bermuda |
United Kingdom: British Indian Ocean Territory |
United Kingdom: British Virgin Islands |
United Kingdom: Cayman Islands |
United Kingdom: Gibraltar |
United Kingdom: Guernsey |
United Kingdom: Jersey |
United Kingdom: Montserrat |
United Kingdom: Pitcairn |
United Kingdom: Saint Helena |
United Kingdom: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
United Kingdom: Tristan da Cunha |
United Kingdom: Turks and Caicos Islands |
United States: Alaska: Arctic Ocean |
United States: Alaska: North Pacific |
United States: all |
United States: American Samoa |
United States: Hawaii |
United States: Howland Island and Baker Island |
United States: Jarvis Island |
United States: Johnston Atoll |
United States: North Atlantic |
United States: Northern Mariana Islands and Guam |
United States: North Pacific |
United States: Palmyra Atoll |
United States: Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands of the United States |
United States: Wake Island |
Upper Gulf of California Region, Mexico |
Uruguay |
Vama Veche - 2 Mai Marine Reserve |
Vanuatu |
Venezuela |
Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas |
Vietnam |
Wadi El-Gemal Elba |
Walters Shoal |
Walvis Ridge |
Watamu Area |
West Bering Sea |
West Central Australian Shelf |
West Kamchatka shelf, Russia |
West Kuril Trench, Japan Trench, Izu-Ogasawara Trench and
North of Mariana Trench |
West Norwegian Fjords � Geirangerfjord and N�r�yfjord |
West Wind Drift Convergence Region |
Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino |
White Sea |
White Sea |
White Shark Cafe / Shark Offshore Feeding Area |
Wrangel-Herald Shallow and Ratmanov Gyre |
Yagorlytsky Bay |
Yamskie Islands and western Shelikhov Bay, Russia |
Yawari Bay (Sierra Leone) (to revise map and come back to plenary) |
Yellow Sea |
Yellow Sea |
Yemen |
Zanzibar (Unguja) - Saadani |
Zernovs Phyllophora Field |
Zone còtière et marine de Mouanda (RDC) |
Zone de Convergence des Courants de Guinée-Canarie |
Zone de Production Equatoriale de Thons |
Zone du Large et de la ZEE |
Zone du Projet de Création de l'aire marine protégée de Kribi-Campo (Cameroon) |
Zone marine et Côtière de Mayumba (Gabon) |
Zone marine transfrontalier Togo-Bénin |